Vand Research I (Water Research I) 2023
Bodies of Water at SOL Nexø
Installation view Bodies of Water , SOL 2023
© All photos by Brian Kure
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Installation view Bodies of Water , SOL 2023
Text on Vand Research I (Water Research I)
For the exhibition Bodies of Water
SOL, Nexø, Bornholm (DK)
Ida Retz Wessberg
Ida Retz Wessberg har skabt et stedsspecifikt lydværk til udstillingen. Værket udforsker vandets sanselige kvaliteter og materialitet og fungerer som en audiovisuel refleksion over vandet, både som betingelse for livet, men også som den symbolske krop, vi bebor med mening, historier og referencer. Værket samler et uddrag af Retz Wessbergs forskning indenfor vandkunstner; fra italienske vandtrapper i Rom til kredsløbsstudier af hellige kilder.
Værket Vand Research I (Water Research I) er generøst støttet af Statens Kunstfond og William Demant Fonden
Om udstillingen: Fra Mallorca til Bornholm – fra den ene ø til den anden
Gruppeudstillingen og projektet Bodies of Water, der tidligere blev vist på CCA Andratx på Mallorca, præsenterer en række forskellige former for kunstnerisk forskning. Fra naturvidenskabelig viden over kropslige erfaringer til personlige oplevelser og visdom nedarvet gennem generationer, orienterer udstillingen sig hen imod abstrakte og filosofiske idéer om vandet som forbindende led mellem alle planetens vandede væsener. Vandet minder os om økosystemers skrøbelighed og understreger nødvendigheden af sameksistens frem for menneskelig, kapitalistisk udnyttelse og undertrykkelse af andre arter.
Inspireret af den hydrofeministiske strømning med oprindelse i Astrida Neimanis’ hovedværk “Bodies of Water” bringer udstillingen vandets helende, hellige og allestedsnærværende kræfter i spil og sætter solidaritet på tværs af arter på agendaen.
Deltagende kunstnere:
Kinga Bartis, Sissel Marie Tonn, Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Ida Retz Wessberg og Emilie Imán
Malou Solfjeld og Olga Rusnak
/ English version
Ida Retz Wessberg has created a site-specific sound work for the exhibition. The work explores the sensual qualities and materiality of water and functions as an audiovisual reflection on water, both as a condition for life, but also as the symbolic body we inhabit with meaning, stories and references. The work brings together an excerpt of Retz Wessberg's research into water artists; from Italian water steps in Rome to circuit studies of sacred springs.
The artwork Vand Research I (Water Research I) is generously supported by the Danish Art Council and William Demant Foundation
About the exhibition: From Mallorca to Bornholm - from one island to another
The group echibition and project Bodies of Water, previously shown at CCA Andratx in Mallorca, draws from a variety of research forms. From scientific and conventional knowledge, through embodied wisdom, personal experiences and generational wisdom, the exhibition orients itself towards abstract and philosophical ideas about water as a connecting entity between all the watered beings on the planet. The water reminds us of the fragility of ecosystems and emphasises the necessity of coexistence rather than human, capitalist exploitation and oppression of other species.
Inspired by the hydrofeminist current originating in Astrida Neimanis's main work "Bodies of Water", the exhibition brings the healing, sacred and omnipresent powers of water into play and puts solidarity across species on the agenda.
Participating artists:
Kinga Bartis, Sissel Marie Tonn, Enar de Dios Rodríguez, Ida Retz Wessberg and Emilie Imán
Malou Solfjeld and Olga Rusnak