Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring 2023

© All photos by David Bonet

Courtesy of CCA Andratx, Mallorca

> Text on the artwork (scroll down)

> Press: Photo reportage at www.idoart.dk (link)

Bodies of Water 2023

CCA Andratx




Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

Materials: Ceramics (glazed stoneware), Plastic hose, Metal structures, Water pump, Solar panel, Battery, Isomalt (sugar), Fruit colour, Water 

(Photo above: the artist)

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023


Variable dimensions

Ceramic parts, Metal structures

H163 x L151 x W159 cm


L713 cm

Solar panel

L40 x H100 x W35 cm

Isomalt sphere (inclusive metal structure)

H135 x L89 x W95 cm

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

(Photo above: the artist)

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

(Photo above: the artist)

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

(Photo above: the artist)

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

Process of erosion of the Isomalt Sphere (Sugar)

(Photo above: the artist)

Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring, 2023

(Photo above: the artist)

(in front): Ceramic sketches for Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring


Text on Water Sculpture for the Tramuntana Spring



For the exhibition Bodies of Water

CCA Andratx, Mallorca



Ida Retz Wessberg

Siden 2022 har den danske kunstner Ida Retz Wessberg arbejdet på sit stedspecifikke værk Water Sculpture for The Tramuntana Spring (Vandkunst for Tramuntana Kilden). Kunstværket er ftilkoblet bassinet i CCA Andratx's atrium gård. I bassinet er vand fra den lokale Tramuntana-kilde, som løber fra bjreget bagved kunsthallen. Det første keramiske kar vandet løber igennem, har en venstredrejet spiral, inspireret af hvordan ionerne ligger sig i vitaliseret vand. Vitaliseret vand er en gammel videnskab, men er i den vestlige verden hovedsageligt kendt fra Grander Vand-teknologien, der bruges af store virksomheder til at undgå kalk i vandet, i deres produktion. Formen på det andet kar er opstået ved at kombinere formen af ​​et vandmolekyle med formen på livmoder. Det sidste, tredje kar har i bunden en struktur præget af bobleplast, et materiale Retz Wessberg har brugt i flere af sine kunstværker. Bobleplasten kan her læses som et symbol på plastikforureningen i det omkringliggende Baleariske Hav. I værket indgår også en sfære i turkis isomalt sukker. Denne vil ændre sig og langsomt erodere i løbet af udstillingsperioden. Retz Wessberg beskæftiger sig med emner som krop, cirkulation og kredsløb, den kvindelige fortælling i historien, magtstrukturer, hvordan mennesker udnytter naturen, forholdet mellem det synlige og det usynlige.


/ English version


Since 2022, the Danish artist Ida Retz Wessberg has been working on her site-specific work Water Sculpture for The Tramuntana Spring. The artwork is connected to a pool in CCA's patio, which contains water from the local Tramuntana spring and runs in CCA's backyard. The first ceramic vessel has a left-turned spiral, inspired by how the ions lie in vitalized water. Vitalized water is an old science, but has become known in the western world mainly from Grander Water-technology used by large companies to avoid limescale in the water in their production. The shape of the second vessel has emerged by combining the shape of a water molecule with a uterus. The last, third vessel is imprinted with bubble wrap, a material Retz Wessberg has used in several of her artworks and which can be read as a symbol of the plastic pollution in the surrounding Balearic Sea. Included in the installation, in the bassin, is a sphere in turquoise isomalt sugar. This will change and slowly erode during the exhibition period. Retz Wessberg is occupied with topics such as the body, circulation and circuits, the female narrative in history, power structures, how people capitalise on nature, the relationship between the visible and the invisible.